Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Chivalry a thing of the past?

In this age happy marriages, and the traditional family almost seems like something of the past but there are some who do not accept this but rather look forward to an oldfashioned and pure marriage.
Do you feel that you were born into the wrong era? Or have you ever wanted to go back in time to when there was chivalry, romance in marriage and integrity? When women were ladies and men were gentlemen. This doesn't have to be just a thing of the past that we read of in history books, it can be our future!
If you have any thoughts on this or would like to discuss things then please feel free to contact me. I would love to hear your thoughts. May God bless you.

1 comment:

Josie said...

I don't think its a thing of the past, just persons having the wrong focus. Everything in this world is pretty self absorbed... and we can't really expect relationships to be anything other than selfish if all we're looking for is our own happiness and self gratification. But if our focus is on the Lord and His interests and we long to follow Him and HIS will then I think our relationships with our fellow humans can't help but be marked by chivalry.

I do believe there is a great danger in doing something for the sake of doing it. Even chivalry. It all MUST be an outflow of the heart. And if our hearts have Christ as their focus we can't help but act as He would.

Just my thoughts. :)